Hey Jakey,
I had you all to myself today for the first time in forever. Wow. So this is my life now. Scream scream scream. Nap nap nap. Feed feed feed. Nap nap nap. Scream scream scream. Repeat. It has a certain mindless charm...
Daddy was laid off/let go/fired today. I guess this is a good thing. I hope he gets that other job. It would be nice to have him at home for a few days, though. Whatever...
I started this whole letter-writing/blog scheme cuz I'm horrible at actually writing with pen and paper. I wanted to start a simple scrapbook with your baby stuff in it, but WHO has time for that shit?!?!? I'll just throw some random crap in a box and we can all pull it out later when you're grown and look at it then, okay?
T.A. wrote me today. Sounds like the newspaper is going to hell in a handbasket. I don't care, I don't care. I do miss T.A. though. It must be really bad if he actually took the time to email me.
Tomorrow is another day. Scream scream scream. Nap nap nap. Feed feed feed. I can't wait. I'd rather spend an eternity screaming and feeding with my little Jakey than just one day working at the newspaper. I love you!