Thursday, August 26, 2004

Hey Jakey,

I am the snack bar. Koo koo kachoo. I'm not even pretending anymore that I am any significant source of nutrition for you. More like a mommy-pop that you suck on when the mood strikes. Oh well, that's fine with me.

So when I talked to your daddy's mom the other day, she told me that daddy gave us a 50/50 chance of returning to the Bay Area within the next six months. Whoa, that's news to me. So I talked to daddy about it, and he's probably right. There's close to no way he's going to find a job out here that gives him the hours that WF did. That's why you're not in daycare, kiddo. Because we both had dreamy flex hours. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. So, thinking out loud here, but here are the good, the bads, the uglies of the situation:

What I like about living here:

* SNOW! I love walking in it. I love driving in it. I love skiing/snowboarding/shoeing in it. I love watching it out the window at home and at work. I love snow the way someone who was born in a snowy climate never could. I love winter, I love cold, I LOVE SNOW!

* As far as jobs go, mine's okay. I get decent hours and a steady paycheck and decent perks. I get to write, I get to be creative, I get perks and props from the community. I saw a cartoon in the paper last week: A guy's sitting on the bus with a box of his office stuff on his lap. He says to the guy next to him, "I used to work part-time. Then my boss found out." Hardy-har-har. True.

• I love that, like last week, I can get up in the morning with a wild hair (hare?) up my ass to go take pictures of rocks, and within minutes, I can be dipping my toes in the most beautiful lakes imaginable, taking pictures of goddamn rocks. If I want to go gambling at Caesars, I don't have to drive five hours to do it. If I want to go fishing, hiking or camping in the Sierras, ditto. I have the most lovely commute of anybody ever. Through the desert, straight up the side of a mountain, a tiny highway that curves all the way around Lake Tahoe, ferchrissakes, and when I go for a smoke break (yeah...we'll talk about that later) I can watch the Lake through the trees.

* For $725 the three of us can have a two-car garage, a huge front/back/side yard, two bathrooms, two bedrooms. Your daddy and I lived for SEVEN years in a tiny one-bedroom, upstairs apartment in SJ. When we left, we were paying $1000 a month.

* I like that your grandma Carol and her husband don't live here.

What I miss about the Bay Area:

* My friends. I've made, oh, a COUPLE of good friends here. C, T, S, and a few others at work. But they all live far away, in Reno or in Incline, so I can't just hang with them. I hardly know anone in G'ville, because I'm hardly ever here. Back home, there were always parties, dinners, club-hopping, drinks and pool after work. I would love to have my friends back.

* Culture. This is a big one, and encompasses many things. I miss art-house movies, live music that isn't reggae ( which there is waaaaay too much of on the North Shore...), Vietnamese delis, Japantown, decent radio stations, museums, shopping. I miss people of color.

*The ocean. I'm a Pisces. Lake's are nice, but a fish-girl needs the vastness of the ocean and the tang of salt-spray a little bit more often then I get it here.

I dunno, Jakey. I'd like to go back. I want to stay. I miss my friends. I love the snow. Work is work. I'll hate it no matter where I live. I'll toss you up in the air, son, and if you land on your head, we'll go, if you land on your ass, we'll stay.


T.J. said...

I know how you feel. As a Bay Area transplant, I know just what you lament the loss of. Crab cocktail at the Wharf, ANY day near the ocean. Hell, I even miss Great America and Marine World.

I moved to the area when I was 11, and have been here, off and on, for about 27 years. I'm so totally over that whole 'I love snow' thing. I like it when it's falling, though. It's soooooo quiet, especially at night. I love walking in the snow at night.

Talk to you later,


Kelly said...

Ahhh... crab cocktail at the Wharf. Giants at PacBell (or whatever its called nowaday). Ponies at Bay Meadows. I miss it all. And the ocean. My favorite beach is this miles-long, tourist-free stretch of sand and seagulls called Gazos Creek Beach. Whenever the temps hit 100-plus here in G-ville, I imagine myself curled up in a blanket there at sunset. Ahhh...