I've been taking you everywhere with me lately. You get such a kick out of being out there, part of the madding crowd. We went to CostPlus, Costco and Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday. Earlier this week we went to Trader Joes and to the computer repair store. Today we're going to get my tires rotated and maybe to Wally World. If you only knew what a miracle this seems to me. The first 6, 7, 8 months of your life, I couldn't take you to public places. You were way too grumpy. You screamed, you cried. You just weren't like other babies. It's so liberating nowadays to be able to take you everywhere momma goes. And it's fun, for both of us. I'm so proud of ya.
It's hard for me to blog lately. I'm on your daddy's computer right now, a PC, which I abhor. Daddy and I have been having internet problems. I think we might get a divorce over it, we'll see. Anyway, my 'puter's not hooked up to the internet right now, and it's getting harder and harder to get away for a few minutes at work to check in with you.
What's new with you? Hmmm... you seem to be real ornery lately. You respond to firm, stern "no's" with an evil laugh. You've lost your healthy fear of flying out the front door, which you now do, much to my dismay. The back door, with it's sliding screen door and two steps, is old hat to you now.
I did another round of thinning out your wardrobe. You're growing like a weed, and outgrowing your clothes at an alarming rate. It makes me sad to put away stuff that your daddy and I used to wonder if you'd ever grow into. Sad, but excited for you, too. My little man is growing up.
Let's see, to give you a sense of the world at this moment (for when you're all grown up and reading this...)
The pope just died, but they have yet to bury him. SF Giants opening day was a couple of days ago (they won, even without Barry Bonds). Peter Jennings just announced that he has lung cancer. Neil Young is recovering from a brain anyeurism. Britney Spears is pregnant.
And me...
Reading: Life of Pi, You Grow Girl, the new ReadyMade magazine
Tivo-ing: Lost, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Good Eats, Iron Chef
Listening to: Garden State soundtrack, Michael Savage show (hate and anger keep me awake during the long drive home), Beatles Number Ones
Last movie seen in theater: Million Dollar Baby (two thumbs up up up)
Last movie seen on DVD: After the Sunset (two thumbs down down down)
And recently purchased (finally), a digital camera. Now I can put the occasional pic of you on here without the whole film developing-scanning-lotsa money routine. I've just got to get my computer online for this to be as seamless as its supposed to be.
Gotta run. Love ya!
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