Here's a completely non-topical and apropos-of-nothing post. I guess it's just easier to start blogging again, with today's thought and events, and later I'll catch you up to speed with last month's events. When I'm not so lethargic from the heat. Or from friggin' re-typing everything because my browser quit on me.
I bought the new Son Volt album, Okamah and the Melody of Riot, a couple of days ago. At Walmart, of all places. I've only listened to it a few times, but I like it so far. I definitely like it better each time I listen.
Son Volt is one of my top two favorite bands, Jakey. It was imperative to me that you first listen to them at a very young and tender age. If you go back to one of my first blog entries, sweetie, you'll read that after you were home from the hospital for a couple weeks or so, I took you on a long drive south towards Mono Lake on 395. I played SV's album "Trace" for you several times. You slept through most of it, but I could tell you were entranced. Ha.
When I was waiting for you to be born, I toyed with the idea of naming you after the lead singer, Jay Farrar. I *very seriously* toyed with the idea. You don't know how close you were to being named Jay Farrar P_________. I dunno, I just really like the name "Jay." A tres cool guy that I used to work with is named Jay. There's J. Mascis from Dinosaur Jr. Homer Simpson's middle name is Jay. I occasionally call you "J" instead of Jake, just for the hell of it.
Jay Farrar has a yummy, yummy voice. My all-time favorite in all of music. It's deep and rich and tone-y. It gives me shivers. He sings this one song -- it's not a SV song, but a song he did when he was with his first band, Uncle Tupelo -- called "Still Be Around." It's a heart-breakingly beautiful acoustic song in the first place, but when he gets to the chorus for the second and last time, there's this little catch in his voice, a tiny tremble, that takes my breath away every time I hear it.
--When the Bible is a bottle and a hardwood floor is home,
--When morning comes twice a day or not at all.
--If I break in two will you put me back together,
--When this puzzle's figured out will you still be around?
--You say you've just been there,
--Walking the line, upside down.
When I hear him sing it, I *know* he's been there. Walking the line. Upside down. Shit, I can hit "repeat-play" on that song a dozen times before I let the CD player go to the next song. Sigh.
That said, I found out today that SV's doing a show next month at the Catalyst in Santa Cruz. I'll probably try to go, even though it means a four-hour drive to San Jose, and a weekend with your daddy's parents. It'll be worth it. It's just not your daddy's kind of music, so I'll probably get L to go with me. She went with me last time when we saw Jay's solo show at the Fillmore a few years ago. She thinks he's "drop-dead sexy." Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes. In a nerdy, introspective, Amish, artist kind of way. Mmmmm. Yes.

He's the goofy guy in front.
Anyway, I'll let you go for now. Love you, sleep tight.
Yes, by all means, go to Santa Cruz NOW, when I no longer live fifteen minutes north of it!
I miss you! Hope all is well!
Ah, Stef... and the hell of it is... my friend lives in Boulder Creek, so I'll probably hang out at her place all afternoon before we head to downtown SC for Mexican and margaritas at El Palomar before the show.
Wanna go?
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