Hey Jakey,
We're in the thick of it again. Magazine goes to press in 12 days. Shhhh. Don't tell anybody. *Some* people believe that we go to press in 6 days, and that's a good thing. I was going to take you to a meeting today in Reno,and then for a spot of shopping, but S called up and said I'd be better off staying here and working instead. There went all my grand plans! We were going to Trader Joes, Tower, Boston Market for lunch, and much much more! I had half a mind to just leave the house anyway, so your daddy can watch stoopid American football in peace. Ehh.... there's still a chance that I might. But its getting late, so probably not.
Short post. Not much to say. Brain fried. Got up at 4am yesterday, finally turned in at 2:30am this morning. If you're counting, yes, that's 22.5 hours working. Well, I took an hour off to sit and watch the last half of Titanic on HBO with you. Spent some time in "Teh Lounge." So, yeah, I also took a few minutes off to design the above "Lounge" logo. Time well spent. It's awful pretty.
Magazine money's not worth it. So I say now. Love gettin' that check in the mail, though! I'm a whore for petty cash.
I'll check in a bit later. Maybe I'll tell you about my trip to the emergency room a couple of days ago! Love you!
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