Hey Jakey,
I never did post pix of your party, did I? I'll have to go thru and pick out some more, but for now, here's you and your Auntie L. She's the one that was there when my water broke the last night I was pregnant with you. You remember, at the liquor store? Sharks hockey on in the background, and L's wearing a Bastard Sons t-shirt. Anyway.
Been neglecting the blog lately, and for that I'm sorry. Seems like lately the only things going on that are blog-worthy are things that I can't or don't want to blog about.
Pretty darn near a year ago, your Nana (my mom) was diagnosed with leukemia, but she's doing so well now. Now your daddy's mom has been diagnosed with lymphoma. She has a mass of something behind one of her eyeballs, and after the biopsy, the doctor said that it was indeed lymphoma. Now, I don't know much about lymphoma, but I do recall hearing that it's kinda nasty. For now, they will treat this with radiation. I don't know *how* exactly, I mean, it's behind her EYEBALL, ferchrissakes. I'll keep you posted.
Climbed on the *other* crazy bandwagon this weekend: MySpace.com. I don't have a ba-jillion friends to pad my account with, or rather, the friends that I *do* have are not the geeky kind of people who have MySpace accounts, or are too old to even know what it is. So what I have been padding it with is musicians and internet friends. It's jolly great fun, Muffy!
Here is what I did on MySpace today:
Found a high-school crush, complete with photos. Auntie S, do you remember your math teacher's son? Yeah, it was him. He's all old now, doesn't have the long feathery hair anymore, and he's a high school teacher! Needless to say, I did NOT click on his link to request a MySpace friendship with him. I'll have to check into statutes of limitations on restraining orders and such first.
Started up an email conversation with the guitarist of The Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash. Yay! His name is Jay Bennett (no, not *that* Jay Bennett) and he's just as nice as can be.
Ignored an email from a "swinger" who lives nearby here in G'Ville. He also plays in a band down at teh local. Ick.
Finally became Cracker's "friend."
So if anyone is interested in being my "friend," click here: http://www.myspace.com/highlandcreek. Come on! It's fun and you KNOW you want to! All the cool kids are doin' it!
Working on the magazine again. I'd be done by now if I didn't spend so much damn time MySpacin' and message boardin' and taking official Jakey Breaks and running out and getting coffee and Pop Tarts and other miscellaneous, extraneous, felonious stuff. Oh, and also blogging. So, back to it. Just another couple of days.
Love you, sleep tight.
Auntie S here--I'm gonna go look at the pic of you-know-who. (If it's the same one I'm thinking of, anyway. Did he say, "Hello" really badly in a small-town production?)
I should really write you a REAL letter. . .
Yes, the vary same! They should've retired "Arsenic and Old Lace" after that production.
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