Saturday, February 25, 2006

Hey Jakey,

These are the two people that I work with. A real tall guy and a kind of short guy. That's B on the left and P on the right. P is my boss. Words cannot express how much I like working for him. No really. I can't use words to describe my work situation here, in case my blog is someday outed. Suffice it to say, P is a dream to work with. For reals, yo.

He took B and I to lunch today at the pier and I snapped a pic, cuz today was such a gorgeous day, what with the sun and lake and everything. This was the same restaurant that your daddy and I and daddy's dad and wife and you tried to go to, but there was some snafu with getting the stroller up the stairs, and we decided to go somewhere else. I had a "Panini Grill," which is just a hopped-up cheese sammich, but it was pretty tasty. We'll have to take you back now that you don't need the stroller.

Here's your virtual time capsule for Saturday, Feb. 25:

* Bush is handing our seaports over to the Saudis.

* I paid $2.49 per gallon of gas this morning.

* The 2006 Winter Olympics will finally come to a close this Sunday.

* Movies playing at Ironwood Theaters: Curious George, Date Movie, Doogal, Eight Below, Final Destination 3, Firewall, Freedomland, Pink Panther

* In the NetFlix cue: Saw 2, The Aristocrats, Hustle & Flow

* No. 1 downloaded song at iTunes: You're Beatiful, by James Blunt (hunh? who?)

* No. 1 album in heavy rotation in my truck: Arctic Monkeys

Okay, at this point I'm just killing time while I import CDs into iTunes, which I have not been able to do for months cuz my computer was on teh fritz. But between your daddy and I, we both managed to finally get it fixed, so here I am. I'm dead on my feet and I think you and I and daddy are getting up early to make a run into Reno.

Now importing: The Story of the Clash, vol. 1 and 2

Nighty-night, sweetheart. Love you!

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