Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hey Jakey,

Here's a photo of your momma enjoying her burger from Izzy's Burger Spa this afternoon. B and P left the office for the rest of the day, and they were going to have lunch, WITHOUT me, so I decided to leave for a bit myself, and get back at them by having the world's best burger.

Okay, to elaborate on our trip to the new shopping center (I can't bear to call it a "mall"), it was cold and snowy and windy, but was packed with people. I was dying to roll into Pottery Barn and Williams-Sonoma and blow my entire magazine paycheck on trendy knick-knacks and doo-dads to tart up my gawd-awful duplex. I've spent the last five years here bemoaning the area's lack of a Pottery Barn, and people responding to me: What's that? Is that like a Lowe's?

Good thing for me, there wasn't enough room to swing a dead cat, much less turn a sharp corner with a stroller, so we loaded up on free cookies at the welcome tents, and spend the majority of our time at Baby Gap.

I bought you a ridiculously expensive Baby Gap outfit:

You've got a million pairs of pants, so I didn't bother with those. I ripped all the price tags off before I showed the outfit to your daddy. That sounds bad, doesn't it... I just wanted him to say, "How cute!" rather than, "You paid HOW MUCH? For a t-shirt?!?" So...

C gave me my birthday present while we were there. My favorite: COLD HARD CASH! Funny girl! And she got you a Old McDonald book. Afterwards, you and I and C headed to Friday's for lunch, closer to town, because there's no place to eat yet at Summit Sierra, and we were tired of free cookies.

You had the entire restaurant in your thrall, baby. Or so you'd like to think. The waitress had a crush on you, and all the diners around us were playing peek-a-boo and waving at you. You're a natural-born entertainer.

Okay, enough with the messing about. Lunch time ended hours ago. Love you!!!

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