Hey Jakey,
It just doesn't seem very rock and/or roll to be home from a show before 10pm. Camper started at 7:30 and they were done by a little past 9. So it was a very short show. Good thing I didn't go by my usual M/O: down four bourbon-and-diets as soon as I walk in the door, and spend the rest of the show sobering up for the drive home. It would've been easy to down quite a few, cuz the drinks were ridiculously cheap, $4 for a call drink. "Hello, Jim Beam!" I called. The 'tender said they're the cheapest drinks on the lake, and they haven't raised the prices since 1980. Wow. Good to know.
Anyway, it was good that I only drank two, cuz like I said, the show was SHORT. Not that it's brevity was the only notable feature of the show... It was a good show. Not sure if their hearts were completely in it; they seemed to have been much more engaged at the Reno show last November. And it was a sit-down show. Which means that a handful of assholes stood up at the front and ruined it for everyone behind who were good citizens and remained in their seat. Good thing I was in the front row, and not drunk enough to damn-it-all-to-hell and stand up and dance. Although I really really wanted to.
Especially during "Matchstick Men." You know the part: fiddle-fiddle-fiddle-fiddle... pause-pause... "BOOM" go the guitars. It makes your whole insides want to crawl out and be on your outsides. In a good way.
No "Sweethearts." Disappointed there. When they played that last November, I cried a little bit. What a sap.
But I *did* get this:

It's Greg's setlist. (SKIN BOWL! Heh heh.)
This kind of makes up for that time at that Cracker show at Slim's a long time ago, when that big, ugly guy that was a dead-ringer for the comic book store owner from the Simpsons knocked me to the ground and pried a setlist from my hands. Damn, that STILL makes me angry.
Bad news of the evening No. 1:

I got a ticket on the way up. 41 mph in a 25-zone. The bad bitch who shot me down "cut me a break," and knocked it down to 10 miles over the limit, and so it's "only" a $91 ticket, payable by March 21. Damn!
Bad news of the evening No. 2:
I got home and the house smelled like vomit. THAT'S never a good sign. Daddy says that in the ridiculously short time that I was gone, you puked about eight times. We can't figure out what's the matter! You were crabby and disagreeable all day, and we could just tell that you didn't feel well, but it came to a head right after I walked out the door.
Sorry sweetie. Hope you feel better tomorrow. If you do, we'll go to the park, if you don't, maybe I'll get you some ice cream or something. Love you! Can't wait till you're old enough to go to shows with both momma AND daddy!
1 comment:
hey Kelly,
This is about the most heartwarming, cool thing I have seen. This is pretty sweet.
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