Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hey Jakey,

One more quickie. This is either a very, very cute photo, or a very, very sad photo, maybe both, but probably just sad.

It's you, right now, napping outside my office door. You laid down and fell asleep after I ignored your knocking and "Hellooooo"-ing for several minutes.

Okay. Sad. I love you and I'm sorry. I'm crying, are you happy now? I'm almost done with the magazine and then I'm all yours again. But just think of the extra money I'm making, sweetie. I'll be able to buy new tires and new shocks to make the truck safe for us again, and renew my car registration and we can get our hair done, and I'll buy you all sorts of new toys and treats to make you love me again. Almost done, promise.


Anonymous said...

Just so you know, I am convinced that all little kids have an extraordinary ability to go from cute to PATHETIC in about 3 seconds. If he didn't love you, he'd be napping somewhere else! Those are my thoughts, from one bad mommy to another.

BarbaraMG said...

Awwww! Yes. That is sad. I would have cried too.

Kelly said...

Wow, who'd'a thunk I'd finally have a post that generated three whole comments from three different mamas? Too bad it was a result of this sad and embarassing photo!

I feel like Britney Spears in the post below! Ha.

Jake and I have made up, and he even deigned to hug me later in the day, and I vowed never to let it happen again.