Hey kids,
It's officially autumn now. The tow-maters are freezing on the vine, there's a chill in the air, and it's dark outside by 7-ish. We've been caught unawares, and Wavy has outgrown all her cold weather clothes and jammies, so I had to make an emergency run to Target to shop for baby. Darn. And you know how I hate shopping for you guys.
Here's a quickie Thursday Thirteen of why I love autumn so much:
1) Pumpkin Spice Frappucinos at Starbucks
2) Halloween crafts and baked goods
3) My homemade pumpkins scones and pumpkin butter
4) Hello, jackets, scarves, sweaters and chunky shoes! I always feel more secure and comfortable when hidden in layers
5) New Earl, Office and ER
6) Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins and Pumpkin Scones at Starbucks
7) The sound of dry leaves scraping against the sidewalk and patio
8) Getting under the covers with you kids at night
9) The Genoa Candy Dance (huge arts and crafts festival)
10) Indian Tacos at the Candy Dance
11) The threat of snow
12) The smell of woodsmoke
13) Halloween crafts and baked goods (yeah, twice. so what?)

Two milestones for you guys this week.
Waverly has said her first word: "Peekaboo!" Nana and Papa are back in town for a few days (weeks) and Nana plays Peekaboo with you constantly. I was taking a nap with you on Sunday, and you woke up before I did, crawling up and down the length of me, cooing, "Pig-boo. Pig-oo. Pig-a-boo."
Jake, you and I have our first-ever playdate tomorrow.
Okay, now this is weird. The lady who lives down the street from us has a boy your age who is in your class and rides your bus. She sent us a card via the bus driver, that had her name and number on it, and instructions to give her a call so our kids can play together.
Well, it took your social-phobe momma a few days to call, but I finally did, and we've made plans to get together tomorrow at a "Music and Motion" class down at the Family Resource center in G'ville.
Now, you moms who read this will think this is weird, but this is me and Jake's first playdate. And I'm so glad it's at an organized activity, because if this lady and her kid came over to "play", I wouldn't have the first clue what to make them do. I would bite my nails and pray to God that Jake didn't knock him down and make him cry. I mean, what do kids Jake's age DO for play? Does this make me a bad mom that I even have to ask that question? I know what he does at school, and when he plays with me and daddy, but... I just feel like if they show up on our doorstep, at the very least I should rent a bounce house, make cupcakes and paint their faces.
I know. I'm being silly. Kids and moms "playdate" every day all over the world. Only I can make it a source of angst and anxiety. More later. Love you!
Update: Poor Jakey woke up puking and coughing and snotting all over the place. So we had to call Sami's mom and cancel the playdate, and promised to try and meet up again once you feel better. I'm actually kind of bummed, believe it or not.
You have a Target...I'm jealous. And a candy dance: that's even better than a Target.
I still haven't tried pumpkin spice frappucinos; lots of the lattes, and I'm still not sure if I like them all that much. They smell good, though. We're eating pumpkin in muffins, loaves, and baked oatmeal. Have you had the pecan apple thing at Starbucks? It's pretty good, too.
Oh, playdates...I keep thinking I should call people and set these up, but it just doesn't happen. We just go to the library and our family resource center, keeping to ourselves. My poor children, with anti-social me for a mama.
I am so anti-social too in a huge way. My kids never have play dates at our house. It scares me. My house is always so messy and I would die if another mom came by to pick their child up. And god forbid I have to TALK to the other parent.
And another thing, I fucking hate the words Play date. What the hell is up with that anyway? Some dumb ass made those words up that had too much space in her fucking day timer. Kids don't need to schedule play. When I was a kid is was my mom saying, "get the hell outside before I knock you into next week. You kids are driving me crazy!" Then we went outside and found a friend to play with (whi also had beend sent outside) for as long as possible so our mom's wouldn't spank us in a rage. Play date. Psssshaw!
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