Sunday, September 30, 2007

"Take the hands off the clock, we're gonna be here a while..."

Jake Jumps Off A Picnic Table®

Hey Jakey,

You and I and Papa went to Washoe Lake today to see how low the water has gotten, and just to get out of the frickin' house. It was warm and pleasant outside today, despite the snow a couple days ago, and your Papa is so much easier to talk to nowadays than your Nana is, so -- all in all -- a nice afternoon out. We even stopped at Sizzler on the way back and had burgers and you had a free salad bar.

It was a big week for music, kinda. Daddy and I went to see The Scorpions last Saturday. Not really my cup of tea, but your daddy likes that sort of thing, and the tickets were comped, so ... why not.

Wow. What a bunch of rock-star posturing and silly guitar wankery. By the time they finally got to "Rock You Like a Hurricane," I was starting to sober up. Bad idea. Even daddy said it was way more silly and cheesy than he thought it was going to be.

Thursday night, though, I got out of the house by myself and drove up to North Lake to see Camper van Beethoven. Met up with lots of folks that I used to work with, music types that appreciate Camper's wonderful oddness.

It had been a rough week, at work and personally. I was exhausted, not excited about driving all the way up to Crystal Bay, my usual current mix of anxious and depressed. But the drinks were ridiculously cheap, and once the music started, things began to look brighter.

David and Victor, plus Jonathan's setlist, that I nabbed at the end of the show

I was trying desperately to discern some kind of hidden message in their setlist that night. Some kind of sign that things are going to be looking up soon.

"Ambiguity Song"
Everything seems to be up in the air at this time
One day soon, it'll all settle down
Everything seems to be up in the air at this time

"Seven Languages"
And if I had just a little time
I could speak seven languages, I could walk on water

"Shut Us Down"
I’ve got a dollar fifteen and nothing better to do
I’ve got a half tank of gas and nowhere to go
Better shut us down

I guess it all sounded a bit more prophetic and revealing with a few bourbon-and-diets in me. Regardless, everything evil in my life right now melted away for the couple hours that they were on stage, and I felt myself smiling and I danced and remembered where I was at various times in my life when these songs were the soundtrack of my life.

Afterward, I approached Victor the bass player and Greg the guitarist and we chatted a little bit about the Santa Cruz show last month. I was so very surprised that I did not vomit or stutter uncontrollably or otherwise embarrass myself. I think I even spoke without that weird quiver in my voice that I get when I'm nervous. And Victor was so nice and so gracious, and -- well, again with the buttery hands. Cute, too. Oh god, so cute. In the 20 years that I've been listening to Camper, this was the first time I have screwed up the courage to talk to them. Or maybe the first time I have been drunk enough. Whatev. I did it.

Thank you, kids, for being so good while Nana and Papa are here. Things are a little crazy right now, but not having to worry or fret about you while all this is going on helps enormously. I think I will crawl in bed with the two of you right now and surround myself with your breathy little snores and snuffles. Well, maybe after a few rounds of online TV Trivia, but after that. I promise. Love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly-san,
You ARE getting braver (and prob not just drunk-braver, either!)
Going up, shaking hands and chatting with Victor on stage is a far cry from following Johnny down the street in SC to wish him a good show. (For the record, I was pretty impressed with you then too!)
Love ya,