It's a special-edition blog entry just for your Aunt Laurie, who will be your Married Aunt Laurie in exactly nine days. BTW, Aunt Laurie, hope it's okay that I come to the wedding in baggy sweats and a sweatshirt. I have nothing to wear and I'm feeling particularly fat this week.
Anyway... this first picture: This is what the cake will look like when I transport it to your SIL's house. I don't know which was harder, making the cake or Photoshopping out my atrociously dirty kitchen in the background. Or as ad reps like to spell it: "backround."
The green holes in the middle of the bottom cake are Starbucks drinking straws. I have to insert those for support, or the bottom layer will sink into itself when I set the top layer on top.

It's still rather dildo-colored in these photos, but I did some searching around and actually found a food dye called "Ivory" that I will use next week, instead of this unpredictable light brown-pink combo that I used here. Let me know how these other colors look to you, or if there are any missing or that you would like to see.

So once I get it to where it's going, it will be a matter of minutes to stack the cake together, pipe some icing around both bottoms and apply the fondant bead border. I've been experimenting with fondant bows like the one pictured below, which will go on top. Fondant-covered cake is pretty well-preserved, and is fresh for 3-5 days. By the time you and Forrest are cutting into it, the cake will be 3 days old. Freshly baked a week before, but then popped immediately into the freezer. Just so you know. Everything would be a tiny bit fresher if I did all this at the inlaws' house, but I'd rather eat glass than have Mother Carol hanging around me all day watching me do this.

So here is my tentative schedule for Cake Week:
Saturday, Oct. 20: Bake the cakes, get them into the freezer
Sunday, Oct. 21: Make the fondants, four different colors (white, ivory, pink, burgundy) and refrigerate
Wednesday, Oct. 24 (evening): Make the chocolate frosting. Refrigerate. Make fondant embellishments.
Thursday, Oct. 25 (morning): Assemble cakes, cover with fondant, decorate.
Thursday, Oct. 25 (noon): Leave for Cupertino! Hopefully WITH the cakes!
Thursday, Oct. 25 (evening): Drinks at Paul and Eddie's with the bride-to-be? Maybe dinner?
Friday, Oct. 26 (all day): Trying to avoid any and all contact with teh in-laws. Trying to keep their damn dog off the cake.
Saturday, Oct. 27: GO TIME!
This is making me tired just looking at it, between the photos and the schedule. It looks fantastic, absolutely. Totally kicks ass on knit coffee cup pictures!!
Anyone who can make a cake like that is allowed to have an attrociously dirty kitchen. So there.
I haven't forgot about emailing you. Just been busy with things and I know I want to give you more than a few lines. It will be on it;s way soon. ;)
I forgot to mention: the starbucks straws as architectural support? Brilliant!!
The cake is freaking beautiful!!!!
Kelly! You are such a sweetheart for creating this incredible cake for Forrest & I. (I have the best friends...)
I can't wait to see you - hell ya, drinks at Paul & Eddies - lots of em!
See you Thursday!
Anthony Bourdain would be proud.
Hey, you! Long time, no whatever! So did you take classes, or is this cake thing a natural talent? I seem to remember quite a lot of creativity where "food" was concerned. I'll have to send photos of the cupcakes from hell from Zoe's party. As she would say, "You're a rock star!"
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