Friday, November 16, 2007

Happy Almost-Birthday, Baby!

Hey Wavy,

A lot can happen between now and your birthday on Saturday, so I'm posting a picture of your cake that I just finished tonight, in case -- y'know -- your klutz of a momma drops it or worse.

It was supposed to look vastly different, with an additional tier and some ribbon accents, but it didn't work out that way. This looks fine, though, I think.

The inside is box mix, because I wanted two pink layers and a white, and I did not have time nor inclination to make two different types of cake from scratch. I brushed the layers with strained strawberry preserves, though, before I frosted, so that should help out with the taste a little.

Tomorrow we're leaving on the same zoo adventure that we went on for your brother's first birthday. We're meeting up with the grandparents and your daddy's sister in Sacramento, and we've got a hotel booked for the weekend, so we can spend time at the zoo, the train museum, Old Town and whatever.

Are you excited?

I'm excited but exhausted. I drove up to North Lake last night after class and met up with a couple of friends to see a band called Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers. They were completely awesome and played to a crowd of less than 50 for close to three hours. And it was a free show.

I last saw Roger Clyne about 12 years ago when he was with his first band, The Refreshments. You know, the band that wrote the theme song to the King of the Hill show. I can't remember what he looked like back then, but nowadays he looks like Dr. McDreamy from Grey's Anatomy. Mmmmmmmm, dreamy indeed. Can you tell from this photo:

After the show, as he was walking off the stage, Fran grabbed his arm and grabbed my arm and smooshed us together, babbling something like, "12 years ago! 12 years ago! She saw you 12 years ago!" He gave me the kind of smile that you bestow upon a 4-year-old, or perhaps an eager retarded person, but he shook my hand and then I proceeded to strangle Fran. I love her to pieces, but she embarrasses me EVERY time we go to a show together.

The show lasted until around midnight, but I was really amped and not quite ready to go home, so I read in the truck for a bit, since I haven't been able to get much reading done at home lately. Then I went to the 24-hour Supermart-That-Must-Not-Be-Named and finished up my birthday shopping. Afterwards I grabbed a fish sandwich and a Sprite at a 24-hour drive-thru and then finally moseyed on home at about 3:30 a.m. Then was up at 7 a.m. when you woke up. And now I'm here on the computer at 2 a.m. the next day.

I think I'm turning into a vampire. An insomniac vampire. At least your daddy's driving us tomorrow, and not me.

Love you, happy birthday, and I'll give you a complete birthday update when we get back on Sunday.


BarbaraMG said...

Where have you gone? :(

I see you are on MySpace. Are you on Facebook. If you are e mail me and I will add you to my vast network of friends. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, you! I'm hoping everything is okay--you know this blog is how I keep track of you!
