"Dugs." I love that word. "Dugs" kinda figgered into my weekend at least a couple of times. Richard III's mom utters the above words in ... "Richard III".
Had an interesting weekend, topped off today by my Jakey coming home to me. Jakob, I'm not so sure you really want to BE home (mostly because you keep saying that you don't want to be here and that you'd rather be at grandma's. Way to make me CRY, dammit!), but here you are.

Seems the only one of us you truly missed was your sister. You came home and hugged and kissed on her, and took a million photos of her. Me... well, you begrudged me a hug or two, but I think I could've dropped off the face of the earth this past week or so, and you'd've been, "Momma? Oh yeah -- I used to know some gal named Momma."
So Friday I went to the Celebrity Golf Tournament for like, the sixth year in a row. I can't help it. I love to stalk teh celebrities. But I'm legit, cuz I'm on assignment. I've got a media pass and I ain't afraid to use it:
Ray Romano!
Kevin from The Office! With Greg Kinnear!
Michael Jordan!
So, right before I snapped this pic of Charles Barkley...
...he's making his way from the concession stand to the 4th tee. I'm standing there taking pictures of him while he stops to sign autographs. I take the camera from my eye and he's standing right there in front of me, and he kinda looks at me and my chest and says, "Hey, Baby!"
Ack! I blushed and giggled like a frickin' schoolgirl and managed to croak out a shaky "helloooo..." and then he was whisked away in the sea of his entourage. Yeah, yeah, it woulda meant more if it had been my spiritual soulmate Greg Kinnear who had ogled my boobs, but I gotta take it where I can get it.
Daddy called me a whore. Heh!
Went to the Shakespeare Festival last night, and it was almost as exciting. It was "Richard III" which I had never read before, so I was kind of lost during the first half, but after the intermission, the action and the drama was ratcheted up quite a bit, and I really got into it.
I must admit, though, that I am a terribly geeky nerd. Whenever I hear the words, "My horse, my horse, my kingdom for a horse," I think of that Monty Python episode with the hospital for severe over-actors.

Shakespeare stuff.

Friends L and J and some other media-types; the gorgeous stage with Tahoe in the background; my swollen ankle that I've been hobbling around on for seemingly weeks now
What I DIDN'T take photos of: ay-ay-aye. My truck broke down in the middle of Hwy 395 this afternoon. I had cars swerving out from just behind me going at least 60 mph. I was stopped at a stoplight, the light turned green, I tried to put it in first gear, and NOTHING. Some kind soul and his wife pulled over and pushed me over onto the shoulder (And thus restoring my faith in wo/mankind. They were gone before I could properly thank them. I guess all I can do is "pay it forward" the next chance I get. As long as it doesn't involve me getting out of my car and pushing someone else's heavy vehicle thru traffic....)
I really consider myself lucky. I would've been screwed up the ass if it had happened yesterday. But today: my phone was charged so I could immediately call AAA (my phone is NEVER charged!), I had just put my new tags on my plates the day before so the cop that stopped today to check on me didn't hassle me (yes, I was driving around with expired tags for about two weeks), and, oh yeah -- my AAA membership is actually current and paid for.
The truck's at the dealership; I can only imagine what the damage is going to be. You might have to forgo the fancy diapers for a couple months, Wavy. And Jakob, hope you like Top Ramen.
Well, my happy (?) little family is back together under one roof. Hope I can prove to you, Jakob, that I don't suck as bad as you seem to think I do! Love you both.
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