Hey kids,
Just got back from seeing Beck in concert at the Grand Sierra. What an adorable and talented little munchkin he is. I truly think he is one of the geniuses of our time, even though he looks like an elfin Lord of the Rings character. I was surrounded by drunken frat boys who smelled bad and talked too much, and who were probably still in grade school when "Loser" came out in the mid-'90s, but I had a great time anyway. Hippie freak/Natalie Portman's boyfriend Devendra Banhart opened. My verdict: "Meh."
Fortunately I only had one drink the entire night.
Yeah. I got pulled over for making an illegal and unsafe lane change on my way home. Not my fault! There was construction going on in front of my exit off the freeway, so I got off at the next exit and promptly got lost. When I finally circled around and found the road I originally wanted, I accidentally crossed some one dozen lanes or so to get myself on it. Apparently this is illegal. But luckily the cop was understanding, and luckily I did not reek of bourbon (which I have a tendency to do after a show), and all he cited me for was not having my current proof of insurance on me. So if I take my proof of insurance down to the courthouse within the next couple of months, all fines ($780!!!) will be waived.
This now makes a total of three traffic violations in as many years, all received on my way to, or on my way home from, a concert. Here's the obligatory cop-car-out-my-back-window pic:

I have so much to tell you kids about the past week. But it will have to wait until tomorrow, cuz it's late and I have to get up in a few hours. Love you.
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