Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The pitbull with lipstick must be stopped!

Hey kids,

A quick station break to post the following...


Want an Obama T-shirt? MoveOn's giving them out if you make a small donation to their young-voter registration program, aimed at registering half a million young voters in swing states. I just got mine, and wanted to share the opportunity with you.

Click this link to get your Obama T-shirt!



Yay! I just made my single, largest political donation ever. A whopping $15. I've given $5 here and $10 there over the past few months, but 15 smackers all in one place must be a testament to my anti-Sarah Palin sentiment.

Okay, back to your regularly scheduled programming. Until the next time I feel like begrudgingly opening my wallet to save the world.

Love you. A proper post is forthcoming.


Anonymous said...


Facebook doesn't like me. They found something wrong with my name and now I'm emailing back and forth with them. Gak.

I do remember the Nick Rhodes tears. I also remember buying those tickets before we had any way whatsoever of getting from one state to another to go to the concert! Good times. I hope Zoe isn't as big an idiot. But she will be.

Anonymous said...

I am not even an American and I am hoping that she just goes back to where she came from. (Where ever that is???)


Anonymous said...

I am not even an American and I am hoping that she just goes back to where she came from. (Where ever that is???)
