Hey kids,
It's Easter. Just got off the phone with you at Grandma's. You didn't have much to say, so I can tell you're having fun. Apparently the Easter Bunny got a late start this morning, as he was still out back hiding eggs. He must've had a big-ass glass of wine (or two or three) with his dinner last night, just like Momma.
So herewith... the continuation of the Thursday 13. Don't worry, this half is much shorter, as I have no pictures, and it's been a really boring week. Not even blog-worthy, you might say. But has that ever stopped me before? This is mostly a blog entry about dinners.
Day 7: April 6
Ugh. My first day back to work. There have been more layoffs while I was gone. My good friend F has been axed. Also the man who lays out the entertainment section of the newspaper I currently work at. To further illustrate, I will now quote from the latest episode of 30 Rock, in which Kenneth the page is told that he will be taking over as Jack's assistant.
Kenneth: But what about my page duties?
Jack: Oh, don't worry. I've already taken care of that. You'll do both jobs.
Hahaha. So I am now laying out an entertainment tab again. How 2004 is that?!?!?
This is the night that I saute a hunk of salmon for dinner and steam some asparagus. I rent Rachael Getting Married. Verdict: Meh.
Day 8: April 7
A little bit of investigative journalism on my part lands us a scoop: Wilco is coming to Tahoe in June. Whoot! As the resident Wilco expert, I am tapped to write a story about them. Wikipedia can be a gal's best friend.
This is the night that I order takeout from Jethro's down the street: BBQ chicken and cole slaw. I rent Doubt. Verdict: Two thumbs up.
Day 9: April 8
After work, I do some big grocery shopping. Finally a full refrigerator and pantry, but all I can summon the energy to prepare for dinner is potato chips and a tin of smoked oysters. At about 1 in the morning, when I'm finally drifting off to sleep, one of the shelves on one of the bookcases in the hall gives way, sending dozens and dozens of books tumbling to the floor in a noisy mess. I nearly pee my pj pants, thinking immediately that there is a serial murderer/rapist in the house. And for some reason, he's tearing down my bookshelves. Whatever. But nonetheless, the adrenaline is injected into my system. I can't help it; I am up till nearly 4:30 am, shuffling around the house, checking my non-existent email.
Day 10: April 9
I think the term is "fuck all." That is what I got accomplished at work this day. As in nothing. Nada. But I did go to Qdoba for dinner and had a Pesto Poblano Burrito. Afterwards, against previous plans to abstain this year since you kids are at Grandma's, I went shopping for Easter basket items for the two of you. Secretly I am hoping that I can win you back over from your Grandma. I know that both of you will be grumpy and resentful when you get back home. I rent The Boy In the Striped Pajamas. Verdict: Three wet hankies.
Day 11: April 10
More of the same: futility and doom at work, more shopping afterwards. No dinner whatsoever this night. I think I am still full from Qdoba the previous night. I make a huge batch of Caramel Corn with Almonds and package it up to give away as gifts. I am officially in full-on missing-my-kids mode.
Day 12: April 11
Plans plans plans. All for naught. I sleep in late. I futz around on the computer. I watch yet another Deadliest Catch marathon. Around 4-ish, I decide to color some eggs. Not as enjoyable as I thought it was going to be. Some things are just not meant to be done solo. But here they are:

Finally at 8, I take off for a long, leisurely, wine-soaked dinner with F and C at Saletti's. I order the Smoked Salmon Fetuccine. Afterwards we hit the JT Bar and then attempt to visit DQ for a round of Dilly Bars, but it was closed. Deadliest Catch is still on when I finally get home. Whoot!
Day 13: April 11... Today!
Happy Easter! I celebrate by sleeping until 11. The house has never felt emptier. I had foolishly planned to drive to Reno today to run some errands, but HELLO. It's Easter and everything that I want to do today is closed. So here I sit. There are absolutely no movies out right now that I want to see. I've depleted the choices in the Redbox this week. Dinner? My last dinner as a childless bachelorette is going to be a falafel salad with cucumbers and tahini dressing. I'm hoping that at least Raley's is open today, because I have no falafel mix or cucumbers or tahini. Ha.
Tomorrow you will come home to me and all will be right with the world. I forgot how absolutely boring life is without kids. How did I make it through the whole first 36 years of my life without you? Unthinkable...
Travel safe, and love you very very much.
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