Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hey kids,

Just a very scattered week. True, my week started on Tuesday cuz I was still on (mini)vacay Monday, but then the rest of the week just DRAGGED. Can't sleep, but have nothing particularly coherent to say, so maybe I can organize this week's thoughts with a belated Thursday 13.

1) More layoffs at work yesterday. This round hit close to home. I think this is the only round so far that made me cry. Sucks sucks sucks.

2) Wilco tomorrow at the Harvey's Amphitheater. My musical tastes run such that I normally don't go to shows with more than one or two poor souls that I can drag along with me, or I just go by myself. But a goodly portion of the office is going to this one, and someone has organized a pre-show BBQ. This means I get to attempt to be sociable and charming with the people I work with, instead of my normal efficient and curt. Whoot. The last time I went to a work-related gathering, no one I knew showed up, and I wound up having a panic attack and leaving. God. Why am I like this.

3) You kids came home on Thursday, and it's like the sun has been restored to my life. The mundane seems fun again. I took you guys for a routine Wal-Mart run today, and it didn't suck. I went to the dump and Jakob tagged along. Again... not too sucky.

4) It's hot. Summer has arrived in full force. This is the first day that I've been home on an afternoon and it's been hot enough to hang out for hours in the back yard with you guys and the sprinklers. The first of many.

5) In regards to a couple posts below, I have decided to grill my Nana when she and Papa come to visit next month. I warned her during our last phone call that I was going to ask her a shit-ton of questions about my actual adoption and the abnormal circumstances surrounding it. Told her that I was going to start writing all this stuff down. The subtext being, of course, that she and Papa aren't getting younger, and I would regret it for the rest of my life if I *didn't* eventually pick their brains about this stuff. Her response: "Good for you!" So now I've pre-emptively breached what could've been a sticky subject, and now it sounds like it could be kind of fun, instead of daunting.

6) I bought a pair of pants that I really really really like. Sh. Don't tell anyone, but I wore them three days out of the four that I worked last week. Did I mention that I really love these pants? The first day I wore them straight out of the envelope (got them online). The second day I wore them because they managed to find their way into the one load of wash I did and -- ta dah! -- accidentally became one of the only pair of clean pants in the house. And I wore them again on Friday just because I was fuckin' lazy.

7) Gack. Since when are mohawks making a comeback? When did they become A THING again? At the Aquarium and then today at Wally World, we saw hordes of young men from toddler to post-adolescent sporting various degrees of 'hawks and faux-hawks. Again, as with your uber-ubiquitous name, JAKOB... I feel like the original "I wanna be the first to do that thing that everyone else is already doing" gal.

More later. Gotta try and sleep. Love you both.

1 comment:

k j sutton said...

I've seen a lot of mohawks too - I think it must be a 'summer only' haircut that Mom's allow