Hey kids,
We went to the Polar Bear Swim in Tahoe City today. Here's a link to more photos.
I have a hard time believing Wavy had a good time today. There was a huge crush of people, and it was noisy, and that is soooooo not your scene. Even though there were quite a few kids there, and Jakob seemed to have enjoyed himself, it's probably not the most kid-friendly SnowFest! event of the year. There was an awful lot of public drunkenness. The bead and party favor throwing from the top balcony of the bar where the event is held? The party favors were stick pins with flashing Bacardi logos and Bacardi-logoed tools of some sort used to muddle the mint in your mojitos. Awesome! You kids were like... "What the hell is this shit..."
But you did go to town on the free swedish meatballs and jalapeno poppers. Plus we got to see our friend Franny today, whom we haven't seen in a while. Although when we stopped to pick her up, her dog Lewey just about sent Jakob into an apoplectic fit. Lewey's an increasingly mean-ass sounding little dog, although all bark and no bite. You're leery of dogs in the first place, so when Lewey came tearing after you, barking and snarling, you backed up into a corner screaming in short, honking little blasts and waving your arms every which way. I've never seen a total freak-out like this. Franny's insistence that the dog means you no harm is absolutely unhelpful, but what else can she do? The dog *is* harmless, but from now on I will probably have to carefully ask her to put the dog somewhere behind closed doors before we walk in the door.
And then after all the nearly naked, doughy white guys were done and out of the water, it started to snow. But all in all, freak-out aside, a pleasant outing to occupy a day that would have otherwise been spent doing laundry and cleaning toilets.
Now that you guys are asleep, I do believe I am going to wad myself up in a blanket and fire up the DVD player. Latest on my Netflix queue is "Lars and the Real Girl." I hear good things. Good night, you two. Love you.
Oh, and just for the hell of it, here is an oldie-but-goodie:
Oh, and I guess I'll post this one, too. From the time of the "Great Blog Blackout of Oct. 2009 - March 2010."
I love thee videos! I have never seen Wavy so animated before. :-)
They sure seem to get along well.
You did an amazing job on their costumes by the way! Way to go Mom!
Haha, thank you! Yes, Wavy is coming out of her shell a bit. So different, the two of them...
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