Hey kids,
I really didn't want to unpack it and play with it until you went to bed, so the first photo I took tonight was one of you asleep. Pretty sweet... considering the room is pretty darn dark.
Jakob, remember that camera you drowned last summer when we were playing in the creek? I know you do, because I remind you of it on a regular basis, and talk of it still has the power to make you sheepish and apologetic. Anyway, I finally got around to replacing it this week.
It's the latest updated version of the one you flung into the water. It's still a point-and-shoot, which at this point in my life is just fine with me. I don't have $1000+ to spend on a DSLR right now, and frankly, I don't think I would trust you kids in the same house with it just yet.
It's a nice P&S, though, with all sorts of upgrades since the last version. Technical crap, mostly, but look how pretty! And I don't have to use that piece-of-crap camera of your daddy's anymore! Whoot!
And here just in time for our MOMMA'S BIRTHDAY VACATION planned for a couple weeks from now. More about that tomorrow.
G'night, guys. Love you.
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