Since I don't get to see too much of you during the week, Saturdays are usually jam-packed with us-time. Running errands, lunch, movies, shopping, time at the park, generally anything and everything that gets us out of the house.
Yesterday seemed particularly manic. The following kind of reads like Henry Hill's coke-fueled "Helicopters and Tomato Sauce scene" from GoodFellas, right before he gets hauled in by the DEA.
Woke up at 8:30 a.m. and made you guys breakfast, then went back to bed to read the news and check my email for about an hour. Wavy and I took a shower together at about 9:30, Jake at 10.
We loaded up the car with about 100 lbs of old clothes for Goodwill and maybe about a metric shit-ton of old electronics for the computer recycle center.

First stop then, was Computer Corps computer recycle center. This is right next to where I work, so after a year of driving past it every day, I finally stopped last week to drop off an old printer and test the waters. Basically to see if they really do accept everything, working or not. They do. So now it is my life's mission to empty out the garage of all the old electronics that your daddy hoards. One load down, many more to go.
Lunch at Charley's Grilled Subs. It's our fast, easy, cheap go-to on Saturdays. Next we each picked out a tiny treat next door at Schat's Bakery.

I got a macaron and you guys got honeycomb dipped in dark chocolate (which is something I've always wanted to learn how to make). Lah-de-dah.
Then it was off to Borders. The entire store is 50-70% off. Jake got a book about sharks, Wavy got "Dora Goes to the Doctor," and I got a spiral-bound book of appetizers.
On to what I call the "Goodwill dumpster," and what Wavy calls the "clothes mailbox." It's one of the boxes in the store parking lot where you deposit old clothes donations.
Next up: Payless Shoes for some school shoes. Ran into an old friend there that I haven't seen since she got married some 10 or so years ago. Disconcerting to see her with her 9-year-old son.
WalMart. Not to shop, thank god, but just to drop off a ginormous bag of plastic bags in the recycle bin.
Too damn hot for more errand-y types of stuff, so we stop at 7-Eleven and get slurpees and retire to a shady spot at the park to read our new books for a while.
Back to the house to get ready for BBQ at Nana and Papa's. I slice up and marinate some acorn squash, pack a basket with brats and buns and load up the truck with bikes and cupcakes.

Then off to Nana and Papa's. While daddy fires up the BBQ, we take a bike ride around the property, and spy on the huge strip mining operation next door.

Stuff ourselves on brats, salad, berries, squash, corn-on-the-cob and cupcakes, then take another bike ride. We sit outside until it finally starts to cool off, while Nana and Papa ramble on with their endless stories (Papa calls them "sea stories") that we've all heard a million times before. I teach Jakob how to find the North Star (Follow the two stars that form the outer edge of the Big Dipper, which points to the North Star. Easy peasy.)
Daddy and I leave you two to sleep at Nana's so you can go to church with her early in the morning. It's about 10 p.m. and I have grand plans for the rest of my evening. I want to update my baking blog and get started on my felt sushi.
But I get home and lay in front of the fan and feel like doing neither of those things, so I hop back in the car and go to Redbox and rent The Beaver, with Mel Gibson.
But before I watch it, I sit down at the computer and am compelled to create this piece of cheez, for reasons still unknown:

After the movie (and a piece of toast and butter around 12:30 a.m.) I finally go to bed around 1:30.
Is that a lot in a day? It feels like a lot. And we only got in one fight today, when we were at Borders. You guys were enchanted by all the 50%-off toys and pestered me nonstop that you'd rather have toys than books. I was having none of it. NO MORE TOYS!!! OR WIRE HANGERS!!! But we all got over that rather quickly, after I threatened you with leaving with NOTHING. But other than that, a pretty good day.
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