Sunday, September 19, 2004

Hey Jakey,

I know, I know I just said all that warm and fuzzy stuff about family and home, etc. But my mom just called and said she's going to come visit for three weeks in October. I knew she was coming to visit, we had already talked about it. But THREE weeks? I figured a week, maybe two at the most. Sigh.

Just found out that Eddie Adams died today. He was the photojournalist that took that famous photo of a communist guerrilla being executed in a Saigon street during the Vietnam War. Adams was only 71, died of Lou Gehrig's disease. Sad. He was a big influence on a bunch of us photojournalism students back at SJSU.

Guess what? My number one favorite thing in the whole world (besides you!) is happening right now outside my window! It's SNOWING! Yay! C called me from on the road in Crystal Bay just to tell me that it was snowing there and that it was on its way to me, and lo and behold, a few minutes later, here it is! SNOW!!! I called mom and dad to tell them, and they're jealous. It's over 90 degrees where they are now. Whoo-hoo! Jake, your mom's a dork, I know, but I've been waiting for this all year...

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