Thursday, December 30, 2004

Hey Jakey,

One more thing for tonight. I can't even bear to think about all those poor people in the South East Asia earthquakes and tsunamis. My stupid imagination runs wild and all I can picture is me trying to hold onto you against a wall of water rushing at us. It numbs me.

Anyway, if there's anyone else reading this besides you, Jakey, I know you feel badly too. This is how I made myself feel a little bit better:

The Red Cross button at

Two clicks and you're done. Send some money, it makes you feel better. Literally, it took me about ten seconds.

Okay, mini-rant here: the US has committed itself at this point to sending a mere $35 million in aid. ACK! Shouldn't the US, the richest nation in the world, at the VERY LEAST be sending more than what Kobe Bryant or Howard Stern makes in one year? Or shouldn't someone like, say, Bill Gates... just stand up and say, "HEY, I'll just take one for the team here, the team of humanity..." and send a BILLION dollars? I bet he wouldn't even miss it. Pfizer has ponied up $30 million, Coke is sending $10 million. The Red Cross has come up with millions and millions in just a few days. I'm just sayin'...

Anyway, stay safe and give if ya can. Trust me... you'll feel better about things.

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