Sunday, January 02, 2005

Hey Jakey,

Happy happy new year, dear heart. Jeez, I can't believe how boring your parents have become over the years. At midnight on New Year's, your daddy and I, both tipsy on a couple of glasses of Korbel each (found in the back of the fridge, left over from your baby shower over a year ago), kissed each other politely on the lips, then I went to bed, and daddy stayed up to watch CNN for awhile. Yawn.

I spent New Year's Eve afternoon doing what I do best: I went to see a chick flick (Spanglish) then I went shopping. Daddy brought home Taco Bell for dinner. On New Year's Day, we took you sledding for a while. I made you cry when I caught up a little tiny piece of your neck flesh into the zipper of your snowsuit. It was downhill (so to speak) from there. When the blowing snow started to leave pockmarks on my skin, we decided we had all had enough and we went home and had hot chocolate.

Nursing news: so my milk has come back in pretty well. I thought that was all that needed to happen to get us up and running again. I didn't realize that you would probably forget how to do it. Last night, you wouldn't go to sleep, so for the first time in about a month, I offered you my breast. You acted personally affronted and turned away. So immediately I'm on, my favorite attachement parenting/breastfeeding site, doing a search for "coaxing baby back to breast after re-lactating." Oddly enough, there were several articles. Apparently this is just something we're going to have to work on for a while. Heh, heh. For a second there, I guess I forgot that there were actually TWO of us in this breastfeeding relationship, not just me.

Incidentally, here's the search string of the day that brought someone to my blog:
"Big Boobs"

Hope they got what they wanted. I swear, with every boob site that probably exists out there on the internet, my blog has GOT to be at least Number 9,894,563 out of 12 million sites.

My mom and dad called a couple of days ago and said they were buying tickets to fly out here again sometime in January. Maybe they'll be here for your birthday. I can't wait. Again--if you knew the history of my parents and myself, you would know how strange it feels to actually want them to visit. Strange days, Jakey, strange days.

Some people would think that after four days off at home with you, dear heart, that I would be ready to come back to work. It's not true. It just made it that much harder to get in the truck to drive up here. I missed you before I even got out of the driveway. Well, four days off leaves me with two days to do a week's worth of work, so I better get to it. Love you!

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