Hey Jakey,
Oh my... what a horrible way for me to sign off yesterday. Sorry. Hmmmm... at that moment, you were waaaay overdue to wake up from your nap, and I had spent that precious naptime looking at stupid stuff on the internet and watching stupid tv, when I had actually meant to vacuum and straighten up and do some laundry. I finally did vacuum a bit yesterday, it's a lot of fun with you chasing after the vacuum, staring and gawping at it, them jumping out of the way, then wrapping yourself around my legs or putting the cord in your mouth. Kind of like having a doggy.
I've never been a particularly clean person, but even I get grossed out by the current condition of the house. Cheerios and Kix all over the floor, toys underfoot throughout the house, overflowing diaper pail, unidentifiable stains *everywhere*. I managed to make the living room presentable last night, but by the time I got up this morning, it looked like a war zone again. Daddy's good at a lot of things, but cleaning up isn't one of them. I don't blame him, though. His mom's house is a disaster, too. He just never learned how.
Forgot to tell you about our little road trip last week. You and daddy and I got in the truck and just started driving. We went east on 50 ("the Loneliest Highway in America"), stopped and got Chinese food for lunch, then swung south through Yerington, stopped off at a rest stop near the Walker River and took a bunch of snow pictures, then came around north on 395 back into Gardnerville. We all had a pretty good time. It sure is booger country out there, though. I expect to see banjo-playing mutants by the side of the road. Or Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel, mixin' up some moonshine out behind his trailer. There are signs on a stretch of hwy 50: "Nevada State Prison nearby. Absolutely no hitchhiking." And advertisements for the Moonlight Bunny Ranch and various other brothels. I love Nevada. I really do.
Gotta go. Love you! Just keep practicing today, 'kay? Momma. Mom-ma. Momma.
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