Hey Jakey,
Looks like you found the Great Pumpkin! We went to the pumpkin patch up at the lake this weekend, and met up with C, L, H, H's DH and B and B's DH. A strange mix o' folks. The pumpkin patch itself was fine, but when we went inside the elementary school gym where all the booths and games and the bouncy house were, you kinda went ballistic. I don't blame you. It was hot and muggy and noisy, you were hatin' your Little Nemo costume, and you were slipping and sliding all over the place cuz I had taken your shoes off. We got outta there right quick and went back out to play in the pumpkins.

Afterwards, driving home, you took a nap, and I didn't want to wake you up when we got back to G'ville, so we passed it up and I drove down the road a ways to Hope Valley and took some autumny, landscapey photos. Everyone apparently had the same idea, because there were all sorts of people pulled over on the side of the road doing the same thing.

This is rabbit brush, Jake. I'd never heard of it until we moved to Nevada. It's the reason I have been so miserable the past few weeks. Sneezing, headaches, hives, puffy eyes. This crap is in full bloom this time of year, and I just want to crawl into a hole and die until its cycle is over.
Okay, one more photo, and I'm out. Audi 5000. Love ya lots, my long-haired hippie boy.

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