Click here to go to my "epic" end-of-summer Cracker post!
Hey Jakey,
I had a post all ready to go, then after publishing it, I realized I might as well have published my address and phone number, maybe even my social security number and a passport photo. So I took it down, and I'll rework it and put it back up a little later.
I hung out with H and her son a bit tonight on my way home after work. Let's just say, he talks waaaaay more than you do. Daddy has a theory about that. The gist: Einstein didn't talk until he was 5 years old. Say no more, say no more...
With all apologies to milesofmusic.com, one of the most "sickest" purveyors of music EVER ("sick" meaning "extremely nice," in the parlance of some of the younger kids in the office...), I'm going to re-print here a portion of their weekly newsletter. The opening sentence reeled me in, but when I kept reading, it knocked me on my ass! My beloved David! It reminded me of myself, meeting Cracker or Jay, and it made me smile...
WE'VE ALL HAD THAT MOMENT WHERE WE MEET SOMEONE WE ADMIRE and become, for lack of a less politically correct phrase, become giggling school girls. You desperately want to say something intelligent and witty. Typically little more comes out than, "I really like what you do," followed by a stupid grin.
When Your Jester commutes home, typically Randi Rhodes' show on Air America is on the radio. She can rant with the best on either side of the political spectrum. You know Your Jester loves a good rant.

They discuss politics for a moment, but it rarely rises above hero worship for Lowery. Mind you, Lowery is typically articulate and caustic. Your Jester would be the school girl if he were meeting Lowery. Here, though, Lowery was just a big gushing fan. Honestly, it made all of those awkward moments where Your Jester just wanted to bask for a moment in the greatness of a favored musician just that much better since even guys that have been on the receiving end are just as likely to gush like a school girl.
After a few minutes Lowery was gone from the air, likely thinking about his next great snarky song. For that few minutes, though, he was you and me suffering from hero worship.
Love you, baby! Tomorrow: Tar-zhay, CostCo, Borders. Afterwards to South Lake to see if we can grab some "sick" video with the new digi for the dot.coms. Dress warm!
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