Hey Jakey,
I'm starting to see the light re: this magazine thing. So I thought I would blow all the time I've saved by getting up at 6 this morning by spending time here, here and here.
Swiped this from Barbara this morning. Easier than a proper post, really, and funner than working on a magazine.
10 Favorites as of right now, anyway...
Favorite Season: fall
Favorite Sport: basketball
Favorite Time: 4:20
Favorite Color: forest green
Favorite Actor: Javier Bardem (rowr....see above photo, star of "The Sea Inside" and "The Dancer Upstairs")
Favorite Actress: Tilda Swinton
Favorite Ice Cream: Haagen Dasz lowfat choco sorbet, or green tea ice cream
Favorite Food: sushi
Favorite Drink: Caffeine Free Diet Coke
Favorite Place: first campground on the right on Highland Creek
9 Currents
Current Feeling: sleepy and unshowered
Current Underwear Color: heather gray
Current Windows Open: jayfarrar.net, bottlerocketsmusic.com, blogger.com, phazemp3.com
Current Drink: 1:1 mixture of Diet Coke and Caffeine Free Diet Coke
Current Time: 8:52 a.m.
Current Mobile(s): yes, a pink one
Current Show on TV: nothing yet, everyone's asleep
Current Thought: my back hurts, my carpal is killing me
Current Clothes: pajama pants and a sleep top
8 Firsts
First Nickname: Peanut
First Kiss: Jimmy W. in 6th grade during a game of Spin the Bottle
First Crush: Jimmy B. in 6th grade
First Best Friend: Chris P.
First Vehicle I drove: 1973 Chevy pickup (the Blue Max)
First one I owned: see above
First Job: busperson at Herman & Helen's Marina
First Movie: who knows...
First Pet: Admiral the pekingese
First Shave: can't remember exactly. I remember trying once in 5th grade, and scraping myself all to hell cuz I didn't use water or cream of any kind
7 Lasts
Last Drink: see above
Last Kiss: the top of your sweet little head, son
Last Time: if this is what I think it means.... about a week ago
Last Time Shaved: it's been a while...
Last Web Site Visited: jayfarrar.net
Last Movie Watched: Melinda & Melinda
Last Pill I Had: Tylenol
6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Broken the Law: oh yes. yes yes yes.
Have You Ever Been Drunk: see above
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: yes
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire or Bomb Blast: yes
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: strangely, no
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart: yes (or so I've been told)
5 Things
You Can Hear Right Now: me tippy-tapping on the keyboard, the router humming behind the monitor, the fan on my computer, wow, it's actually that quiet in the house right now that I can't hear 5 things
Things on Your Bed: husband, son, comforters, pillows, sheets
Things You Ate Today: a handful of Cheetos, I dragged my finger thru the punkin pie
Things You Can't Live Without: lip balm, diet coke, TIVO, a comfy bra, and YOU, silly
Things You Do When You Are Bored: eat, read, watch tv, shop for nothing in particular, surf the web
4 Places You Have Been today
1. driveway to get Sunday paper
2. bathroom
3. kitchen
4. here in front of the computer
3 Things On Your Desk Right Now
1. lava lamp
2. antiseptic wipes
3. cheetos
2 Choices
Black or White: black
Hot or Cold: Cold
1 Thing You Want To Do Before You Die
Finish the frickin' magazine!
All right. I've wasted enough of your time and mine. Back to it. Love you! Wake up soon!
I have a lavalamp on my desk too. It is green. Don't know why I am saying that but I felt you would want to know. Or not.
Hey, I remember you posted a picture of your lava lamp, didn't you? Mine's red lava in a yellow-y liquid.
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