Hey Jakey,
Winter's here! And I've been capturing all the wintry excitement with my crappy camera phone. It snowed yesterday. That's Starbug Three there, covered in snow. And this morning, there was a rainbow on my way to work. The pot of gold, in this case, is apparently smack-dab in the middle of Genoa.
A very dear friend of mine from high school got ahold of me via classmates.com a couple of weeks ago. I hope she doesn't mind if I post the following kick-ass picture of us in Tijuana, sometime in the late '80s. Don't know what year it is, exactly. But I'm wearing sunglasses, so it was definitely during the horrible contact lens years.

I couldn't access her message to me unless I signed up for a trial subscription to classmates.com. I planned to sign up, then cancel before the damn thing charged me $40 for a "gold subscription." Which I neglected to do.
Anyway, I'm so glad she contacted me. The four of us (B, M, S and me) were the best of friends through 8th grade and high school. It's amazing how close BFF's can drift apart. How you can spend the defining years of your life at each others' sides, then not even notice the moment that they're no longer a part of your world.
Ha! We were all supposed to be married to a different member of Duran Duran at this point. B was going to marry Andy, M was going to marry Roger, S was going to marry John, and I was going to marry the gay one, Nick.
I've got to make sure I don't let another 15 years go by without keeping in touch.
I'm hemorraging money at an alarming rate these days. I got a speeding ticket the other day on the top of Spooner, which will set me back a whopping $94, which I HAVE to remember to pay before December 12.
Here's a picture of the bitch that delivered the bad news:

Crazy with teh camera phone. She coulda misconstrued my reaching for my phone as me reaching for a gun! She coulda SHOT me! Ah, well...
Okay, one more load of laundry, then it's off to bed. Love you!
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