Hey Jakey,
You're sitting on my lap now, and we're enjoying the sounds of Pandora.com, suggested by one of the board members over at teh music message board that we like to frequent. It's pretty cool. From the FAQ page:
Q: What is Pandora?
Pandora is a music discovery service designed to help you find and enjoy music that you'll love. It's powered by the Music Genome Project, the most comprehensive analysis of music ever undertaken. Just tell us one of your favorite songs or artists and we'll launch a streaming station to explore that part of the music universe.
Q: How do you decide what to play?
We take your input (artists, songs) and feedback ("I like this", "I don't like this") and use the Music Genome Project to create stations that play songs that are musically similar to what you've told us. That's it; only the music counts. We don't care how popular the artist is, who's backing them, and we don't care which genre bin they usually belong in. Only the music matters.
We're listening to a string of songs now created by, what else: "Camper van Beethoven."
The whole time we were back home in the Bay Area, I was blogging in my head. I had all sorts of shit to say, but of course, none of it comes to mind now. That's a picture of your Grandma and Grandpa (the Cupertino edition) up above. Here's a picture of you enjoying the chill autumn weather in their back yard. Damn, you're cute!

And you enjoying a pre-Thanksgiving dinner popsicle:

Got to hang out with L and C for a bit. I met up with L for drinks the Wednesday night that we got into town. We went to Paul and Eddie's, which is where your daddy and I formally met oh-so-many years ago. I matched L drink for drink, which is something I've never really been able to do before, but I've been training. Woke up the next day with a helluva hangover.
Me and L and C met up for sushi in downtown S'vale on Saturday. Gosh I miss those ladies. C showed me some of her new artwork and I'm blown away. She even gave me some free samples! If I can get her permission, I'll post some of it later, and add her to the blog roll.
Spent a lot of time out in teh RV, reading about $60 worth of magazines from cover to cover, and got about halfway thru this book:

Interesting stuff. Maybe not so much for its "message," but more for the breakdown of its content. I'm dissecting it, trying to figure out how I can cash in, too.
The author took it upon herself to prepare, within the space of one year, every recipe in Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking," which she blogged about the year that she did it.
That part is probably the least of the book's subject matter. It is smushed in between snippets of the author's life/career/relationships, the author's imagined early days of Julia Child and her future husband, and running references to the world's first 18th century blogger.
I've always wanted to write a book, perhaps autobiographical, but just have not seen myself as interesting enough to warrant an entire tome. But, following this formula, I can undertake something blog-worthy for a year or so, throw in some interesting tidbits about my life, and sprinkle liberally with historical references. Voila, a book. Hmmmm... I may sound sarcastic here, but it's not intentional. I'm actually thinking out loud here.
All right. Enough. You're sleeping and sweaty, which is making me sleepy and hot. So to bed with you! Love you! Thank you for being such a good boy this weekend!
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