Hey Jakey,
Merry Holidays from the new office. That's my desk, with my festive Christmas tree. Also: my good luck thirsty-two ouncer from Beacon Gas that I've had for 15 years, my new iPod and bitchin' speaker thingy, behind that, my new "Five Years of Servitude" award, my ubiquitous lip balm, and my website (tm).
Your grandparents have been here since Monday. I love my mother with all my heart. But she drives me absolutely nuts. I'm beginning to get a sense of why I am like I am. I feel like I never have anything interesting to say because she has always made me feel that way.
Two examples from just yesterday:
I was trying to tell her about the show I went to Sunday night. Right in the middle of a frickin' sentence, she asks me, "Have you seen those coffee pots at Wal-Mart for $4.94?"
My dad asked me, so how's the new job going? I'm replying that, well, yes, it's wonderful, I like my boss, etc. In the middle of a sentence, not even in a natural pausing point in my dialogue, she pipes up with, "Do you have any frozen spinach?"

Here's C after the Nickel Creek show at the Hilton last Sunday. Had a great time. Faux Mexican food and 'ritas at Chevy's beforehand (where Yngwie is known to consume pre-show fajitas...) and ran into F&C before the show. I especially loved opener Andrew Bird. Here's some crappy phone photos. Well, they're either crappy, or artsy. Nah, just crappy:

I really like the Hilton's theater stage. It's huge, like a football field, with smooth, well-worn boards. Not too high, not too low. You can sit and lounge in the banquettes if you want, or you can gather 'round the stage and dance/sway.

I love this shot. It reminds me of the end of "Close Encounters," when the aliens and the missing people start coming off the ship.
I could probably make better photos with a pinhole in an oatmeal container, but what can ya do.
Tomorrow's your daddy's birthday. He turns the big four-oh. I don't know how to respond to this. He doesn't seem to be too bothered, so I guess I won't either. Old, though. Very old. I'm taking him to see the Narnia movie, and then out for a steak. He eats steak once a year, on his birthday. Here's hoping we don't trigger an myocardial infarction!
Love you. I'll check in again soon.
ADDENDUM: "David Lowery"
Post a comment, you wanker! If you're gonna visit me, Dave, post a frickin' comment! And oh yeah, I'm a big fan. Wanna have your children, your music changed my life, yadda, yadda, yadda...
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