Hey kids,
I've learned so much over the last four years: Patience. Impatience... and how to deal with it. I've learned that nine months is an eternity, but passes in an instant. That love at first sight is not a myth. That my usual hasty judgments and quick assessments don't always serve me well. Most of all, I've acquired a fierce and lasting loyalty to my two devastating cuties.
No, not you, ya little ingrates! It's Sawyer and Jack!
LOST (and the island!) sailed off into the ether tonight for yet another nine months, and I'm already having withdrawals. Tonight's two-hour ep was BRUTAL. More questions, yes, but some pretty satisfying answers as well.
Jake, you made me laugh tonight by calling the show "Lost on ABC" and by being able to pick out Jack, Ben and Hurley and call them by name. And by gasping appropriately, "Bombs, momma? On the ship?" Via the magic of Tivo and DVD, son, I'll get you all caught up in time for next season.
So what-ev. This is a non-post if there ever was one. But thanks for going to bed tonight at an unheard-of 8:30 p.m. I'm sure I'll be thanking you both again when you wake up at an unheard-of 4:32 a.m.
Love you!
(Psst ... I cried when Sawyer jumped out of the plane.)
Haha, yes! I don't know when I teared up more: when he jumped, or when he emerged from the ocean, soaking wet and shirtless... I wanted to spank him!
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