Hey kids,
The "YOU: On A Diet" diet means a lot of "ME: Eating Veggie Burgers" lately. Which I don't mind. I actually like veggie burgers. But on days like today, when I let myself get too hungry cuz I had a handful of dry cereal for breakfast, and a handful of rice crackers for lunch, the diet turns into "ME: Binging at Taco Bell" at 10 p.m. Oh well. "TOMORROW: Is Another Day".
The weather warmed up to an ungodly 91 degrees today. That's just too fast, too soon. I know a couple months from now, I'm going to WISH it was 91, but right now it's just too much to handle. At least it's early enough in the season that it cools off quickly in the evening and doesn't linger. I've taken advantage of that twilight tepidness the past couple of nights to power-stroller Wavy to the park in her bare feet, so you can feel the grass in between your toes and practice your mad new stepping-on-and-off-things skilz. As in stepping on and off the stairs face first, rather than getting down on your hands and knees and scooting butt-first off the stairs.
Speaking of firsts, I wanted to make sure I wrote it down last week, but it was Tantrum Central around here, and I forgot:
Jake, every day I ask you what you did at school today. Every day, you answer: "Rode the yellow bus." Or short answer when you're in a foul mood: "Yup." But this week I asked you and you had all sorts of things to tell me. That Alexis showed up at school in a big white truck. That you sang songs, ate a snack, washed your hands. That Tyler danced.
I guess this all sounds rather silly to mommas that don't have late-talking four-year-olds. They've passed these unremarkable milestones eons ago. But for me... well. I burst into tears. In fact, I'm welling up now just writing about it. I cried a few days ago when I told my office manager about it.
Tonight, when I caved and drove to Taco Bell for my illicit burrito, and a sidetrip thru DQ for a Dilly Bar for you, I jokingly told you to say, "You've been good all week, momma. Don't blow it all on a binge at Taco Bell." You repeated it back to me, every single word. Clear as a bell.
MmMmmm. Hmmmm-mmmmm. You are my sweet, smart-talkin' hunny-bunny. I guess this means that momma and daddy's swear-jar rules are now officially in effect. F*ckin' A! (That just cost me a quarter!)
Love you!
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