Jakob and Wavy were Batman and Superman today, respectively. MamaSutra, do you recognize the Superman cape?
Hey kids,
Jake, when I was laying with you tonight as you were falling asleep, I asked you what you were thinking about, and you said, "I'm thinking about you, Momma. What are you thinking about?" I said, "Well, that's funny... I'm thinking about YOU, Jakob!"
But really, I was laying there thinking about a Discovery Channel show that I had just watched. It was about mega-tsunamis, and how a little ol' landslide on an island near Africa could cause a mile-high tsuper-tsunami that could race across the Atlantic in an hour and wipe out the entire Eastern seaboard of the U.S.

Wavy, today was the day that I finally couldn't stand it anymore -- my endless shrieking at you, the peeing on the floor, the thoughts of flinging you out the front door to play with the coyotes. To prevent you ripping off your own diaper even one more time, I took a small length of duct tape and taped down the tabs on the front of your diaper, and put paid to that nasty habit. Of course, I need a hacksaw and a blowtorch to get the damn thing off you when I change you, but it is a small price to pay for the peace of mind I'm sure the both of us will now enjoy.
Love you both. Sleep tight.
PS: Another Discover Channel factoid from this evening: The weight of all the ants of the world is equal to the weight of all the humans of the world. Ugh. That's way too many ants for my liking.
1 comment:
Hee! I should start my etsy tea towel/superhero cape store!
And, oh my, the diaper removal stage. Ugh. Fortunately, I got away with keeping my kid in onesies over diapers, but, yeah, just ugh.
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