Hey kids,
I took just you, Jake, out tonight, because it was your turn. I took Wavy out yesterday for a quick jaunt out in search of dinner to bring home, and an excuse to get away from the house to listen to the debate on NPR.
Our first stop was Petco to get a new basking lamp for our iguana Bernice. It's almost as exciting as going to the zoo. For you, at least. There were sleeping ferrets in a huge terrarium who needed you to wake them up, hamsters for you to poke and dozens of different fishes for you to yell at, "Look! It's Nemo!"
We finally got around to finding the lamp and standing in line to pay for it. That's when momma's left eye started twitching. Then itching. Then exploding. By the time we got to the cashier, my eye was so swollen I could hardly see out of it.
Yes, I'm allergic to small furred animals. And large furred animals. Usually when I go to Petco, it's a quick in-and-out affair, never enough time for me to breathe in and process the dander-ful goodness. We spent about 10 minutes sitting outside the store on a bench, waiting for the allergy eyedrops to kick in. Six hours later, my eyes are still a little puffy and sore.
After going to Wally World and dropping a quick couple hundred on a single cart full of groceries, we headed for your favorite eatery and mine, Qdoba. I avoid Qdoba during the day because it's a madhouse. But after hours, it's practically empty, perfect for loud children who like to run around and wreak havoc with the drink fountain.
We had a charming night out together, and you were such a flirt with everyone you came in contact with. God, you're gonna be a heartbreaker when you're a few years older.
Anyway, I think I've been tagged to do a meme! Well, not exactly, but MamaSutra completed the following, and it looks like a fun one, so here goes...
#1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
That was the year I turned 30, which was just as difficult as turning 40, but I had more time and money to indulge in self-pity, mainly because I didn't have you kids around to keep me grounded. I was working at an alternative weekly in San Jose, living in a cramped, one-bedroom apartment with your daddy. Beyond that, I really can't remember exactly what I was doing. Possibly/probably fighting with your daddy.
#2. Things on your to-do list for today?
Buy a lamp for the lizard, buy at least four days worth of groceries, collect at least 20 Halloween (fluff)treats (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, consider yourself very, very lucky. And grown-up...), buy new sweats to wear to physio tomorrow so that my new PT doesn't think I'm a ragamuffin. And oh yeah... work an eight-hour day.
#3. What is your favorite snack?
Currently, my favorite snack in all the world is the S'More Trail Mix by Archer Farms, available exclusively at Target. There have been more than a couple days recently when this is all I have eaten in a day.
#4. If you were a millionaire you would...?
Quit my job. If I could quit it multiple times, I would do that. I would quit, quit, quit. Then come back and quit again.
#5. List 5 places you have lived.
* Olongapo, Philippines
* Norfolk, Virginia
* Canal Zone, Panama
* Lodi, California
* San Jose, California
#6. List 5 people who you are tagging for this meme?
No. If you see this and likey-like, please feel free! I'd love to read your answers.
G'night all. Love you muchly.
PS: It's rare that I'll catch a weird-ass band's performance on a late-night talk show and think it's anything special, but Craig Ferguson had a band on tonight called Tally Hall, and I found myself rewinding the song about four times, totally enthralled. I immediately had your daddy "procure" the album for me. Oh settle down. Like you are perfect little angels.
Oh! Seems the show tonight was a re-run, and the Tally Hall performance is on YouTube as we speak. Enjoy. Or not. This might be an acquired taste...
Doesn't having kids make 10 years go by in a blink?
I agree. Having kids makes time go by in a blink. And that depresses me! I miss my kids being little. harumph.
YOUR kids just keep getting more beautiful and cute as time goes by. Give them each a kiss for me. OK> Go do it now. I will wait.
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