Well, it was nice while it lasted. A few days less than two months, to be exact. Yes... I'm leaving my adorable little office, right as the weather has turned from fiery to coolly comfortable.
The specifics are too mundane to be recounted here, but looks like I'll be working from home yet again, commuting a couple -- possibly three -- days a week to 1ncl!ne Vi11@ge. My boss has chosen and/or been forced into abandoning our relatively new little magazine empire, and is now once again the publisher of the 1ncl!ne newsp@per, dragging me along with her.
i still have a job... i still have a job... i still have a job...
How circular this all is. Back where I started, eight years ago. Ah well.... It really is a beautiful drive:

If anyone who has worked there with me in the past wants to phone me and commiserate with me, please feel free to do so. Please. I'm awaiting your call.
In other news, I started my physical therapy today. Started out with some moist heat and a lengthy evaluation, then some spinal manipulation, a few minutes with some vibrating electrodes taped to my back, which was initially kinda scary, but eventually kinda groovy. Wrapped the entire session up with a few minutes with a moist cold pack. My doc has recommended that I continue this twice a week for the next four weeks. My next session on Friday, we'll start doing some gentle exercises and stretches. All in all, pretty routine, from what I can tell. I've never had physical therapy before.
Here's what was not so routine... I think I fell instantly in love with my new physical therapist. Towards the end there today, while I was squirming around on the table atop my moist cold pack, and the therapist -- I'll call him "Maxx" here -- was elsewhere printing out a packet of back care instructions for me, I struggled to come up with who he reminded me of (one of my dubious "talents" is the ability to pick any random person on the street and think up a celebrity or quasi-celebrity that pretty closely resembles her or him).
Anyway, I finally figured out that "Maxx" is a dead-ringer for comedian David Cross, most recently of Arrested Development fame. I've had a bit of a crush on David since way back in the Mr. Show with Bob and David days. Yeah, he's goofy-looking, but in a hella sexy kinda goofy way. DON'T JUDGE ME.

"Maxx" was super-nice, and he said a couple of vaguely flirty things to me, which has since sent my imagination into hyperdrive. Like I said, kids... DON'T JUDGE ME. It's been a hard day; your momma has pretty much lost her cushy job and office, I still have tremendous back pain, and right about now, that questionable dinner that your daddy cooked earlier tonight is repeating on me most heinously. Allow me this little bit of fluffy physical therapy chicka-chicka-bow-wow fantasy. Urgh.
Enough. Good night and love you both.
You're back at Incline Village???
With Mary??? WTF! Is Linda going to be still working with you?
Anyone from the days I worked with you there? Jeez Kelly, just when you think you've seen it all.
Sorry dude, but the drive is really spectacular.
I have a link for you (I always have a link for you: you can find the look-a-likes and I send out links that you have probably already seen):
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