Hey kids,
I am soooooo done with Facebook this week; that's probably why you're getting this big spurt of posts after such a dry spell. Even though I don't have a single thing to blog about, I feel compelled to be *somewhere* on the internet tonight, so I will do an 8 Things meme, courtesy of Mama Sutra.
Here's how 8 THINGS works:
- Mention the person that tagged you. (see above)
- Complete the lists of 8's. (see below)
- Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends. (see bottom of post)
- Go tell them you tagged them!
1. "Kindergarten Fun Night" in a couple weeks, where we cozy up to Jakob's new teacher before we hand you over to her next August.
2. Wilco at Harveys Amphitheater at the end of June
3. Wavy going to Montessori in July
4. Cleaning out my truck sometime in the next few days
5. Buying (and sitting and relaxing in) this year's lawn chair. I buy a new one every year, as a summer's worth of lounging and harsh desert climate eat them up
6. Finding another couple hours where I can steal away and see The Soloist
7. Late Wednesday afternoon, right about quittin' time...
8. Jakob starting soccer in August
8 THINGS I DID YESTERDAY (also see items discussed in previous blog post below):
1. Ignored mess in home office
2. Ignored mess in bathroom
3. Fed Bernice
4. Messed about on some message boards
5. Didn't have popcorn at the movies (this was the most difficult thing I did all day)
6. Crossed the Nevada-California state line twice
7. Had a dream that I had blonde hair and blue eyes, and that I kissed an Indian man
8. Went to bed before midnight
1. Clean and declutter the house
2. Quit screeching
3. Seduce a stranger, with no one being the wiser...
4. Be better with money
5. Quit beating myself up over stupid shit
6. Get myself and the kids involved with a local charity
7. Get off my ass and get my garden going
8. Find the road to Mud Lake
1. Lost
2. 30 Rock
3. The Office
4. Intervention
5. Jeopardy
6. Yo Gabba Gabba
7. Saturday Night Live (Yeah, I admit it. I know it's cool to say SNL sucks nowadays...)
8. Dateline: To Catch a Predator
Consider yourself tagged.
Yes, I'm procrastinating again. I'm supposed to be writing something brilliant for work, but I am all brilliant-ed out. All right. Roger WILCO. Over and out. Love ya!
6. Get myself and the kids involved with a local charity
How about walking dogs for the humane society? It is easy and nit a heavy commitment. Kids love it!
Have the kids serve you while you sit around doing nothing. Let them know God will remember their good deeds.
Who the hell is Bernice? That isn't ypour Mother-in-law is it?
Now go get some popcorna dn go back on Facebook.
What do you mean you are done with Facebook? I dont want to have to send you a link to Farmtown and get you addicted to that do I?
No No NO!!-- DO NOT return to F-book! Please! Kel, your posts are authentic and funny and a "destination"--I have missed them, and I think your babies will enjoy the effort more than the Jumble ADHD puzzle of Facebook entries
F-book is perfect for *some*: like someplace for bored at-home moms to have verbal affairs and Superpoke petting sessions with the high school bad boys they never talked to back in the day.
If I _never_ take a quiz to find out how well I "Know Redwood City," I'll be a happier person, I'm pretty sure. I don't mind check-ins, but as a substitute for creative writing and online journaling, oh HELL NO
(btw: 30 Rock all the way!!!)
"No No NO!!-- DO NOT return to F-book!"
That sentence reminds me of "DO NOT taunt Happy Fun Ball."
I don't like Facebook either, although it's not as skeevy as MySpaz, a site so ugly its mama used to feed it with a slingshot. I prefer Blogspot and Twitter. I won't be shutting down my Facebook account, but I've been spending less and less time there because of the lame apps (except for LivingSocial) and because too many of my relatives who are on Facebook tend to abuse the status update feature. Their status updates are longer than the Iliad. I wish I could write on one of my status update-abusing relatives' walls, "Start a blog, dammit!"
Yay for SuperPoke petting sessions (I'll take it anywhere I can get it...) and taunting Happy Fun Ball!
I think I WILL be toning it down on Facebook a bit, except that damn Top 5 app is so deliciously addictive...
I gave up on MySpazz months ago. If I can let go and let goddess of THAT, then I can kick this damn facebook monkey.
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