Hey kids,
Mother's Day got off to a rocky start this morning. Ya'll were some cranky mofos, especially you, Wavy. Daddy wound up taking Jakob out to buy him a new baseball glove, and if I didn't get us both out of the confines of the house today, Wavy, we were going to wind up in an all-out cage fight, so I took you for a ride in the mountains.
We stopped off at Quizno's first for lunch (the new Turkey Pesto Torpedo is scrumptious) and then we headed to Markleeville. We stopped off at the general store and got a couple popsicles, which we enjoyed outside at a picnic table overlooking the river.

Here's you looking like Weekly World News's albino vampire baby, and me looking like, well, whatever it is that I look like (haggard? tired? bloated?):

Then we headed back west on 89 towards Indian Creek Reservoir. It's amazing to even see this part of the country at this time of year, because there's usually too much snow. This year... not so much. The reservoir is about 4 miles off the main highway, over some pretty washboard-y type track, and rocky enough that I felt it wise to switch to 4WD.
Potty training is at a prickly spot these days. Halfway there, you started moaning and groaning about needing to get to a bathroom. You had a diaper on, so I reluctantly told you to just go for it, cuz it would be a few before we could get to one of the pit toilets located at the reservoir. But you refused, and kept up your whining until we got there. One look at the pit toilet, though, and it's murky contents at least 15 or so feet down and god-only-knows how deep, and I decided that I couldn't risk it, no matter how small the toilet was. I knew you wouldn't fall in, especially if I held on to both your hands with both of mine, but the lizard part of my brain couldn't help but imagine it. I would just have to close the lid and walk away, cuz there's no way in hell I could ever go in after you.
The only way I could stave off your disappointment and distract you was to hustle you down to the water and start splashing around.

There were a handful of other people there fishing from the shore, but other than that, we pretty much had the place to ourselves. It didn't take much to convince yourself to go au naturel; if I hadn't stopped you, you would've gone full monty on me.

After we got home, daddy made his famous quesadillas for dinner and then I snuck away for a couple hours (it is Mother's Day, after all...) and saw the new Star Trek. It was (insert high-pitched girly squeal here) awesome! Zachary Quinto was crazy-nerdy-sexy as Spock. Swoon.

I guess I'm a closet Trekkie; I've seen all the original episodes at least a dozen times each, and I was pretty faithful to TNG when it was on. So to this casual fan, the movie did not disappoint. And uh... Spock... call me! Let's make out! Seriously!
When I got home afterwards, Jakob had a hard time figuring out where I had been. When I told him, he got kind of upset that I had gone without him, so I told him I would take him to see the movie in 12 days. He ticked off on his fingers exactly how long that is from today, and I think he will hold me to it. I sooooo don't mind seeing it again, but am not sure if he will enjoy it at all. In fact, I know he won't, so maybe I can distract him with a trip to the reservoir.
Thanks, all, for the wonderful Mother's Day! Love you both. Sleep tight.
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