Hey kids,
I've been sick with some kinda muck since Wednesday-ish. Jakob was Patient Zero, starting at least two weeks ago with a rattling cough that would keep us all up nights. The day he finally shook it, I came down with some variant, with an added bit of fever, achy muscles and a loss of voice. I'm getting over it now, but Wavy in turn has started getting something. When Wavy gets sick, you can usually tell early by the Eartha Kitt quality her voice takes on. Kinda sexy, but hella unnerving. The last couple of nights, I've gone to check on her and she's had terrible nosebleeds. Horrible! I've had to restrain myself from taking a picture, but the Carrie poster is the closest I can approximate.
Gah. Nothing like flipping your daughter over in bed and finding her and the sheets soaked in blood.
Quit it with the illnesses, already. Daaaaaang.
Summer is in it's way so I hope everyone is feeling better soon.
W. used to get nose bleeds. A humidifier might help. :-)
I've had horrible luck with humidifiers. Every time I buy one, they quit making that particular brand, then I can't find filters for it. I do need to try again, though. I think everyone in the house would fare better with a humidifier.
I have had the same problem. I have had three and all have discontinued filters.
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