Hey look, 'Lost' fans! It's Keamy! Hey look, 'ER' fans! It's Dr. Archie Morris! Hey, 'Mystery, Alaska' fans! It's all three of them together again! In a slightly crappy movie! But any movie that gets frickin' William Hurt riding through the forest on a horse is okay with me.
Hey kids,
My schedule at work changed last week. My deadlines have been mangled in such a way that I work 12 hours one day, and approximately 5-6 hours the next. Meaning that on that second day, I get off work at about 2 p.m. (Don't cry for me, kiddos, I've worked endless variations of wonky schedules for at least the past 15 years of my life...)
So today is the first day with the new deadlines and leaving the office at 2. I was naughty, and instead of going home, I went to a movie. I saw Robin Hood, because it was the least offensive-looking offering at either of the two theaters in the town where I work. It was incredibly mediocre, but a pleasant way to while away a couple hours before heading home.
Now. Here's the question. Does anybody really need to know about the whole leaving-early-once-a-week thing? Like... maybe it's okay that I drop off the face of the earth in the hours between 2 and 5 p.m. every once in a while? Get some shopping done, maybe some errands. Or god forbid... take in a movie.
Well, that's my big confession/dilemma of the day. Please don't grow up to write a scathing, unauthorized biography of your terrible mother. Love you, sleep tight.
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