Hey Wavy,
I've always wondered what happens if you just send the photos back. You know... the ones that they send home from school, you look at them, then either pay up or just send them back. We've always ponied up at least $40 or so for the basic package or more. Because, really, who but a really callous and unfeeling mother would look at photos of her lovely spawn and reject them out of hand.
Well, me, apparently. If you click on this photo and go to the large version, you will see yellow stains all over this blouse, not to mention the poorly executed sleeves, and THEN you might get around to the forced smile. Tyra calls it "smizing" when you smile with your eyes, but this just might be a case of "smowning."
Daddy has a habit of misplacing paperwork that you bring home from school, dear heart, and he obviously lost the memo that warned us that this particular day would be Picture Day, when Momma usually takes the helm and dresses you herself. But, you were obviously dressed by an indifferent -- and possibly colorblind -- daddy and sent to school in THIS travesty.
I'm worried that the rejection of these particular school photos may pave the way for future rejections, for far less infractions, like a zit or maybe an unruly cowlick. It is indeed a kind of liberating feeling to say no. I will cheat a bit and scan this, then send the whole thing back. Of course I won't be able to get these printed out anywhere, by any scrupulous photo lab, anyway, but prints are sooooo last millennium.
So here, sweetheart. Above is the photographic proof that you attended class this particular day of spring in 2010. And HERE is photographic proof that Momma is a much better photographer than some who actually get PAID for it:
And modest, too! I love you so much, so please don't take this rejection personally.
1 comment:
Upon seeing this post for the first time, I must conclude that:
1) Wavy is actually pretty darn cute in the school photo, and although I didn't click to see the big picture, I think there is nothing so wrong with her shirt (at ALL, by my standards); and
2) You are a way better photographer. She is seriously sweet and beautiful there.
Also, I had just returned from the States this summer when William had his first-ever school pic, of which I was not informed. His shirt is infinitely worse than Wavy's. A dirty, ugly t shirt, worn by the kid of the parents who "just don't care." (I'm sure everyone thought.) Oh well. Hopefully one of these days, I'll take a nice one myself.
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