Hey kids,
Well, it's not really Day 1, technically. You left this morning for Grandma's, so I guess tomorrow will officially be Day 1. This is really "Day .5".
As we were getting ready for Grandma and Grandpa to show up and whisk you away, I chided you, Jakob, that last year you were so engrossed in being there in Cali that you wouldn't even talk to me on the phone. You responded with a puff of air and, "I'll TAKE your phone calls, Momma..." Great, son! Don't do me any favors!
We went to the Valhalla Renaissance Festival yesterday, in my attempt to stuff the weekend full of fun things. Probably my subconscious attempt to impress upon you that I will ALWAYS be more fun than Grandma. Or not.
Anyway, click here for more pix. Jakob said his favorite part was the Punch and Judy puppet show, and of course, after you said that, Wavy agreed that the puppets were her favorite, too. But I think she really enjoyed sipping off of Auntie F's coffee drink most of all. And the coins and stones and trinkets that random, oddly dressed folks would press into your hand.
So here is the prelim of my list of things to do while you are gone:
1) Clean out your toybox and room. At least two-thirds of your stuff has been outgrown or broken or you are just simply done with. Same with your clothes.
2) Declutter my bathroom and closet. Don't ask me why it's impossible to do that with you here. It just is.
3) Declutter the back yard. I can't throw away the things that need to be thrown away when you are here.
4) Clean the carpets.
That's all I have so far. I'm so imaginitive. I also plan to eat more fish and exotic vegetables.
Miss you already. Hope you're having fun and at least half-grudgingly give your ol' momma a thought before you go to bed tonight. Love you!
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