You've been gone three days now and I've started chipping away at the to-do list. I'm trying to keep the list short and sweet, because if it gets unmanageable, I'll quit before I get started.
So far I have gone through your closets and made a huge pile of outgrown clothes, which I stuffed in the back of the car tonight after work and took to the Big Brothers Big Sisters bin in the Gottschalks parking lot in Carson.
Still eyeing your toybox and room. Very daunting. That's a weekend kind-of-thing, I suppose.
Finished this book the day after you left:
Started and finished this book yesterday and today:
Started this book tonight:
I'll have to slow down and pace myself. I'm almost done with my planned summer reading, and it's not even officially summer yet.
Went to lunch with my editor and my executive editor today. Yeah, it was about as fun as it sounds. Exec editor informed me that in all likelihood I will be transferred again in the near future, which makes me sick to my stomach, as I really really like where I am now, and I really really hate where I will probably be transferred to. It's supposedly "up in the air" at this point, but there is potential cost-saving to be had in transferring me, so that right there tells me that it is a done deal. Grrrrrrrr. Vomit.
Also went to Costco tonight. I'm not the Costco devotee that your daddy's mom is; she worships at the Kirkland altar two or three times a week. I can count on one and a half hands how many times I am there in a year. Probably not often enough to even justify the membership fee.
Made an appointment with the eye doctor (are Lenscrafters eye doctors REAL eye doctors?!?) I've been getting terrible headaches lately, and I figure it's my eyes, especially since I have not gotten new glasses since Wavy was six months old.
Made an appointment to get some bloodwork done tomorrow before work, so am trying tonight to find that tipping point between super-hydrated and peeing it all away.
Made some turkey and veggie wraps for the potluck at work tomorrow, as well as a big piece of fish and sauteed spinach for dinner tonight.
Stared longingly at photos of you periodically throughout the day.
So speaking of Costco, here is a Kirkland-related photo from the archives:
I have a vague feeling that I may have dragged this one up from the archives at least once in the past few years, but it's so diggity-danged cute that it deserves another go-round.
And here is an oldie-but-goodie of Wavy:

Ahhhh... I remember well the pain of those cute little teeth. Incisors. Yow.
See, I told you. Boring. Productive, but boring. Love you. Sleep tight, wherever you are.
1 comment:
I love these pictures! Wavy is just as cute as a button isn't she?
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