Thursday, June 17, 2010


Hey kids,

Life forges on slowly without you. Not making as much headway with house stuff as I would've liked. I have gone through your toybox and thrown away a lot of broken stuff, a lot of paper goods (Okay, I call it paper goods, but it's really papers that you have drawn or painted on and deemed good enough to keep. If I call it "artwork" I won't have the wherewithal to throw it away. I can't keep *every* scrap of paper that you touch pen or crayon to. Forgive me?) I've made a pile of toys to take to the thrift store. So here's what's left:

1) Tidy up back yard
2) Tidy up your room
3) Declutter my bathroom/master closet

Maybe I'll get around to cleaning the carpets, who knows. If it's not on the Big Three above, it's not crucial. I mean... seriously... this coming weekend is really the last whole weekend I have to get this shit done. I am coming to see you the weekend after this one, then you will come home the weekend after that.

I've been leading an exemplary life while you've been gone. I've been following the "You On a Diet" diet to a T, taking long walks after dinner, going to bed and getting up at decent times, not spending a lot of money.

Daddy and I went to a movie the other night, and took a six-hour drive up and down Hwys 4 and 88, stopping for Chinese food in Jackson, Calif. but that so far has been our only splurge.

The ants miss you, too. I don't think they were supposed to live this long. We've had them since... what... the first week of April or so. It's now getting on towards the end of June. So many of them dead, but a few still just hanging in there. I can't just turn them loose in the back yard, can I? It would be like setting a hothouse flower out in the middle of the desert and expecting it to make it through the day. I will never do an ant farm ever again.

Anyway. Am now looking for a room in Monterey in my other browser windows. Would love to stay in a four-star motel, but you know us, kids... we're one-star folk, two-star if it's on sale.

Love you, stay well. Can't take no sickies to the Aquarium!

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